HGH For Beginners- What All Precautions To Take And Why

Last Updated on March 13, 2014

Human growth hormone or HGH has its own set of pros and cons which everyone should keep in mind. For the beginners especially the use of HGH supplements should be made with due care and proper information. As HGH supplements are getting popular more and more, new users are trying them the most. Most of these users do not take required precautions while making use of HGH supplements.

The use of such supplements without proper knowledge can lead to severe side effects for the new customers. HGH supplements do have many body building and other healthy benefits but their use should always be made with care and under medical consultation. Professional bodybuilders and nutritionists warn against the improper or abusive use of these supplements. Here in this discussion we are going to provide you detailed information on the precautions that you should take while using HGH.

Human Growth Hormone Formulations

The very first thing that the beginners should keep in mind is the formulation of HGH supplements. There are all kinds of HGH formulations available in the markets. All these formulations have their typical benefits and side effects.

For the beginners, oral HGH pills are recommended the most. This is because these HGH oral pills are safest of all available formulations and can be used without prescriptions as well. On the other side be very careful about using HGH injections as they have high side effects. Also these supplements are not available without prescriptions. Do not make use of HGH injections whatever may be your need.

The medical complications

Beginners should keep in mind that HGH can affect many medical conditions. You need to be very sure that you are not suffering from any medical problem and are not on any drugs or medicines which can lead to severe side effects on being used with HGH. The major medical conditions which are affected by the use of HGH are:precautions

  • Heart Diseases
  • Liver problems
  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure or cholesterol
  • Joint or muscle pains
  • Pregnancy
  • Use of other sedative medications

These are some of the major medical conditions which should be kept in mind while making use of HGH supplements.

The dosage and administration  

Administration of HGH supplements is another important aspect which should be kept in mind. The dosage of HGH is decided by experienced users only. You as a beginner should take precautions as not to make use of these supplements in high amounts.

There is no standard dosage of HGH supplements and it varies based on the benefits intended. Commonly for beginners, it is advised to begin with a dosage of 1.5 to 2.5 IU’s of HGH. Gradually as your body adapts to the intake, increase the dosage. This will help in avoiding some of the common side effects like joint pains, headache, dizziness and bloating.

Fake products and scams

Online supplement market is now booming with hundreds of HGH brands and millions of products. Be aware of the brand you deal with as there are many HGH scam products on sale online. Always buy supplements from reliable and known brands only.

These are the major precautions that beginners should take while making use of HGH supplements.