HGH Injections- Are They Bad? Know Side Effects Before You Buy

(Last Updated On: March 26, 2014)

A large number of people rely on HGH injections to look and feel young. But it is important to know if such injections are actually safe or not. Here we bring to you a detailed analysis of what HGH injections are and if they are safe to use.

As we pass the age of 30 years or so, the level of HGH or human growth hormone secreted by our pituitary gland reduces. It is the plummet in production of HGH that actually sets off aging process and makes the symptoms of aging more visible. Thus reducing levels of HGH sets off the signs and symptoms of aging as the body is not in a position to re-grow and repair the cells and tissues as fast as it used to be in the past. Enhancing the HGH levels is indeed the most useful and best way possible to wipe off the signs and effects of aging. For the same, a large number of people resort to using the HGH injections.

So, what is it that makes these injections? It is imperative to note that instead of using natural ingredients, the injections are made from the chemicals that provide some type of side effects. This in turn brings in health risks and problems. There are further a large number of side effects that are faced with use of such synthetic HGH injections. Have a look below to know these ill effects in detail.

HGH injections side effectsHGH-Injections

One of the major side effects faced with HGH injections is acromegaly. This problem forms as huge amount of GH enlarge resulting in body tissues growth. In turn, it can result in over development of different organs along with rise in hair and bone tissue.

If you are actually looking forward to use the HGH injections, you need to understand that these injections offer a number of ill effects that can even prove to be fatal at times. If you are planning to use these injections, you need to be really cautious of using them. Some other common side effects suffered with such injections include muscle and joint pain, type II diabetes, heart disease, carpal tunnel syndrome, high blood pressure, gynecomastia, swelling and fluid in the skin.

Heart enlargement is yet another side effect that is faced with use of HGH shots or injections. Excess of HGH can read to the organs becoming enlarged like the heart. This is so because the heart is a muscle like your biceps that respond to the instruction of the hormone to grow. And then this can become harmful and increase the chances of facing heart attack, stroke or heart disease.

Looking to buy HGH injections? Don’t use them before reading this

Liver damage is also an ill effect that can be suffered with the use of such synthetic and harmful injections. The liver’s function is to filter the unwanted out from the blood and this even includes the hormones. This further creates huge amount of work for liver and means drinking alcohol in excess can cause huge damage to the liver.

More HGH in the body also causes it to store more of water. This can thus result in making the skin appear to be thick. Excess water retention is yet another side effect that is faced with HGH injections. Last but not least, excess of HGH can lead to low blood sugar levels and so it is advisable that you eat increased level of carbohydrates if you are on HGH injections.

As there are a large number of side effects faced with these injections, it is recommended that you take a natural, reliable and safer alternative to such products. This comes in the form of HGH releasers or supplements available in pills or spray form. These supplements are not synthetic or chemical based products but they include natural ingredients that trigger the pituitary gland to produce natural HGH on its own.

The top 3 HGH supplements in the market are all natural and promise offering the best of health benefits and results. Have a look at what these supplements are and what they can do for you.

GenF20 Plus ( Official Website )Genf20 Plus

Being the most natural HGH supplement out there, the product offers 67 days money back guarantee so that the users can return the supplement if they are not satisfied with the results claimed or promised. What more, the manufacturers make it a point that they use all natural ingredients in the supplement so that no side effects are faced by the users.

Made in certified and tested labs, GenF20 Plus reviews help a lot to know in detail the customer experiences and feedback about the product. You can easily buy GenF20 Plus by visiting its official website. There are various monthly packages available for the product as well so that you can choose one as per your requirements and pocket.

Sytropin ( Official Website )

It is the best HGH oral spray available in the markets till date. Made with safe and natural ingredients only, you can trust on this HGH supplement for sure. Offering many benefits to its users, Sytropin reviews claim that the users enjoy a large number of advantages by using this product on a regular basis.

You can visit official website of the manufacturer to know in detail what this HGH supplement is all about and the best plans available for you. Backed with 90 days money back scheme, you can try the supplement risk free for that period.

Some of the health benefits enjoyed with this HGH supplement include reduced wrinkles, age spots, fine lines, smooth and firm skin, better nails and hair, stronger bones, enhanced metabolism and a lot more.

HyperGH 14X ( Official Website )Hypergh 14x

Last but not least comes the best HGH supplement for bodybuilding in the name of HyperGH 14X. Made from all natural and effective ingredients, this HGH supplement is used and admired by a large number of bodybuilders, athletes and other users all across the globe. Different monthly subscriptions and packages are available for the product and you can choose the best one as per your health and body requirements.

You can even have a look at real time HyperGH 14X reviews straight from the customers to understand the working, benefits and other aspects about this wonderful bodybuilding supplement. Buy HyperGH 14X now to enjoy the much needed bodybuilding benefits.

With all these HGH releasers in the markets and a lot more, you can simply use the best of HGH supplements and enjoy a healthier, fitter, better and younger you! Say goodbye to the harmful and dangerous HGH injections now and shake hands with the natural, effective HGH supplements available in pills and spray formulations.