HGH Pens- What Are These & What Benefits Do They offer?

Last Updated on September 7, 2018

One of the most important hormones in the body is surely the human growth hormone or HGH. As the name implies, it is the hormone that is responsible for proper growth of the body, especially in case of kids. The growth hormone helps to prevent development related illnesses and diseases in children. Further, it plays a different role in case of adults, as in it is responsible for reducing fat level, preventing organ and bone deterioration as well as boosting lean muscle mass.

Human growth hormone is produced naturally in the body by the pituitary gland. This gland is located right below the brain. The production of growth hormone starts to reduce when you reach your 30s. This further declines as you get old. The best part is that health specialists and scientists have developed alternative to help restore HGH levels in adults and this can either come in the form of injections, pens, supplements or oral sprays.

HGH injections, also known as Somatropin usually come in 2 delivery options. Different brands produce HGH injections and offer them in pens or syringes form. Each of the delivery methods is used differently and so the patient should ask the doctor about using them the right way.

Needle/syringe injections- Some injections are available in syringe/needle form. Here, the patient has to mix an ampoule lyophilized powder with ampoule of bacteriostatic water. After the mixing is done, the vials will have to be refrigerated before use.

Pens- On the other hand, HGH pens are available in different shapes and have different ways of usage. The dosage is different too though the patient will be provided instructions on how to best use them by the medical practitioner. These pens have gained much popularity and demand these days as they are easy to use and do not involve any pain while administration as the case with needles.

HGH Pens

HGH Pens

 Choosing the right option

Improvements and innovations have made a huge difference for kids who need daily HGH injections. To help you choose the right pen that is best suited as per the individual needs of your child, it is worth considering the features you would like to have in the HGH pens:

  1. How easy the device is and how much time will it take to learn the usage?
  2. Is the device easy to hold and light in weight?
  3. Would you choose a device which can hide the needle part?

Ingredients in HGH pens

Even though a lot of companies make HGH pens and injections, they tend to be there with almost similar kind of ingredients. The very first HGH injection made was Protopin and was made by Genentech. The injection was made from somatrem and contained methionine along with 191 other amino acids. These days most of these injections are made up of Somatropin and other ingredients. It is always wise to check the ingredients used in pens before you start using them.

Benefits of HGH pens

There are indeed long lists of benefits that are offered by these HGH pens. But here we will be talking about the most common and important benefits.

Fat loss

Injectable HGH or HGH pens are well known for their ability to burn fat. It has also been clinically tested with the obese people and have seen positive results. The pens work by stimulating the triglyceride hydrolysis in the adipose tissue, which means that it burns up the fat cells and uses them in the form of energy before the body starts storing them.

Better memory

HGH helps in increasing memory through rejuvenating the brain cells. As the proteins are responsible for storing details in our brains, HGH serves to be the ideal thing to improve memory as one of its important uses is to create protein in the body. It has also been shown in clinical trials and studies that people facing short term or long term memory loss have low levels of HGH in their body. Such people also have considerably low hand to eye coordination.

Better sexual libido

A lot of people taking HGH pens have testified that it helped to increase their sexual desire. Both men and women report of having orgasms while using HGH on a regular basis. In case of women, it has also been found that HGH serves to be the natural way to deal with signs of menopause like vaginal dryness etc. It is thus recommended that you take a look at the top HGH pens available in the market if you really want to use best HGH for sexual health.

Muscle gains

HGH has been used by a lot of athletes due to its amazing capacity to put muscles on bone. Being a natural growth hormone, this benefit is not surprising. HGH pens works great as they promote and increase the production of protein tissues in the muscles, thus speeding up muscle repair and growth.

Better brain function

When it comes to having ability to learn, comprehend or memorize things, HGH plays a vital role. The brain is made up of millions of neurons and these are permanent but once they diet, they don’t come back. HGH pens thus help to rejuvenate the neurons and repair and heal them before they actually diet. HGH pens actually change your life for all good!


HGH pens and injections are important if your body is deficient of natural GH. But at the same time you need to remember that you should buy these pens only from authorized sources and direct manufacturers to get a safe product. Also, always ask doctor’s advice before you use this type of HGH delivery method. Ensure that you buy pens from reputable and recognized brands only to reap maximum benefits out of them.